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Writer's pictureSage

Camping at Tillicum Beach


Well, I had certainly intended to get this posted in a timely manner. But time got away from me, and here it is October! Most definitely not beach weather around here anymore!

Over Labor Day weekend, I traveled to the coast for a beach vacation. The campground was right along the coast, and it was an amazing experience! The beach is my main Happy Place, where the four elements converge and soothe my soul.

The first night was uncomfortable, since I had accidentally left my air mattress at home. I slept on a backpacking sleeping mat that my sister had brought as extra (thank goodness!). ThermaRests are better than the backpacking mats of yore, but still... I'm not young anymore, and these old bones really need a real air mattress. Luckily, there was a town not too far away with a Big 5 store, where I picked up a new mattress, which is even thicker than the old one at home. Man, oh, man; I was in Heaven.

The next day was overcast and a mite chilly, but hey! Any day at the beach is a good day. I warmed myself up with a travel mug filled with mocha, sitting right on the beach (middle picture above).

My days were spent either on the sand--wriggling my toes and listening to the waves--or in my hammock, playing Sudoku. At night we lit a fire, even cooking desserts in my sister's Dutch oven. The sunsets were beautiful (as you can see)! Such paradise!

I'm already planning next summer's trip back there. <sigh>

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1 Comment

Aug 14, 2021

Great post thhank you

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